Saturday, November 10, 2007

Does The US Exhibit Malignant Narcissism?

Let me start with some backround from M. Scott Peck, demonstrating the common ways that a large organization may exhibit less than desirable traits and then ask the question whether the US, as a large organization, exhibits some of the traits consistent with malignant narcissism.

Peck says that "human groups tend to behave in much the same ways as human individuals-except at a level that is more primitive and immature." "why the behavior of groups is...from a psychological standpoint, less than the sum of their parts." p. 216

Peck describes several factors associated with group behavior that influence this primitiveness.

1) Specialization.

While Peck says that specialization has in many been an advantage in groups it also leads to the fragmentation of conscience. For instance, in war, when asked about the morality of the participants' part in the process, the responsibility was always assigned to another "department". "'Oh we appreciate your concerns, but I'm afraid you've come to the wrong people....This is the ordinance branch. We just supply the weapons-we don't determine how and why they're used. That's policy. What you want to do is talk to the policy people down the hall'. And if I followed this suggestion and expressed the same concerns in the policy branch, this was the reponse: 'Oh we understand that there are broad issues involved, but I'm afraid they're beyond our purview. We simply determine how the war will be conducted not whether it will be conducted'." p. 217 And on and on it went...we didn't make the bomb, we didn't drop the bomb, we didn't give the order. "Whenever the roles of individuals within a group become specialized, it becomes both possible and easy for the individual to pass the moral buck to some other part of the group....the conscience of the group can become so fragmented and diluted as to be nonexistent." p.218

In a group setting, it is much easier for an individual not to feel guilt for wrongdoing because the conscience is so fragmented.

2) Regression (Refers to acting like a child despite adulthood)

"Individuals not only routinely regress in times of stress, they also regress in group settings." p. 223 Peck says that this has to do mainly with giving power quickly to a group leader and the corresponding laziness with being a follower or group member.

3) Narcissim.

In a group setting, this is "manifested as group pride" or "enemy creation". "Deficiencies within the group can be easily and painlessly overlooked by focusing attention on the deficiencies or 'sins' of the out-group." p. 225
"Just as the highly narcissistic (evil) individual will strike out to destroy whoever challenges his or her self-image of perfection", so will a group.

"We are our attitudes. If someone criticizes an attitude of mine, I feel he or she is criticizing me. If one of my opinions is proved wrong, then I have been wrong. My self-image of perfection has been shattered. Individuals and nations cling to obsolete and outworn ideas not simply because it requires work to change them but also because, in their narcissism, they cannot imagine that their ideas and views could be wrong." p. 240

4) Victimization

We start with the premise that we are not a "villainous people". Since the enemy outside has already been created, we are the ones who have been wronged. This justifies conflict.

We are righteous, good-hearted, generous people. If we become villians it is because we are unwitting. We are villians out of ignorance. p.249 Peck says that laziness is an essential counterpart to evil. Evil is not resisted precisely because people are lazy.

5) Submission

Everything must submit to the organization; it does not submit to anything else. Therefore, it renders itself mentally unhealthy (refer to early Peck post).

"As they [organizations] become larger and larger, our institutions become absolutely faceless. Soulless. What happens when there is no soul? Is there just a vacuum? Or is there Satan where once, long ago, a soul resided? The Berrigan brothers, are correct when they say that the task before us in nothing less than to metaphorically exorcise or institutions." p. 251

So does the US exhibit signs of narcissism? My diagnosis of course cannot be clinical, but to me, the US does seem to exhibit at least a few signs.

a) like any nation-state, it is preoccupied with its own security, its own functioning, its own image.

b) it does not submit to anything else but requires that everything submit to it. (you're either with us or you're against us). This is also evidenced by an unwillingness to participate in the world court or other supranational bodies that the US doesn't control.

c) we resist any kind of critique. have you ever heard the following defensive statements when the US is confronted by a scandal?
when confronted by Abu Ghraib- congressmen and women said ..."we are the greatest country in the world"....not as a precursor to "we shouldn't be doing this" or "we have the power to stop this". just a statement. like when someone is arrested for a crime and says "this isn't me".

or when confronted by another country like France: "we saved their butts in WWII. they've never thanked us. about time for a little gratitude."
By the way, they saved our butts in the American Revolution. We would never have beaten the British without their help.

or "we are at a cross-roads in history confronting islamo-fascists; we have no other choice but to take this fight to them and confront their evil" "we are the initial victims, but we will end being the victors."

Can we not confront our capacity for evil in the US? Do we always have to perceive ourselves as the best, most generous country with the highest ideals in history? Can we not see that our nation's history is mixed with some generosity and lots of oppression?


benjy said...

I don't think that any country of the world is without these features to one degree or another. The question is, which nations are most malignant to the world community as a result of said malignant narcissism?

How does the US compare with nations based on other systems of government and on other religious traditions?

Which ones are successful at helping their citizens and which are unsuccessful?

Unknown said...

Hmmm... never thought of the US in this way. To be honest, it is tough for me to generalize all of the people in the US into one group and say that "We did this" or "We think this way." The US government takes some actions on the world stage, but even the gov't changes in philosophy from one presidential administration to another.

When I read Peck's definition of groups, what comes to mind are much smaller and more homogenous groups, like departments at work, college alumni or townspeople (or subsets of townspeople). In a very large group like the US, there is so much dissension in the ranks that I don't sense that there much of the mindless subordination of thought that is required for a group to run amok in the way Peck describes. Maybe.

Brent Anderson said...

Great posts.

Peck does tackle both small organizations and the US government (using Vietnam and My Lai as examples of evil)

I do think I have a tendency towards generalization...but here's a couple more. I do agree with Ben that countries in general have some of these features. In some much later post, I will probably question the value of the nation-state in general.

But for now, I do think that the US is more guilty than other nations, only because of the breadth and width of its power. It uses its power for its own advantage. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

The problem is that its morally wrong and also short-sighted. Enemies change quickly.

I can only think of one president in my lifetime (a hero of mine) who didn't use foreign policy to bully other nations and didn't participate in the excesses of The Empire and that is Carter. He has my vote for one of the best presidents of the last 100 years, not because he was successful (in many ways he was the opposite of that) and for that to be applauded.