Monday, December 8, 2008

Post Office

While at the Business Center Post Office yesterday, the scab on my lip broke open and I started bleeding. A LOT.

I tried to blot it with my finger but there was just so much blood. I ended up covering both hands with blood and think I may have looked like the Joker in that meeting...smearing the blood across my face.

I tried to be non-nonchalant, tipped my chair back and trying to blot the sore.

Then a co-worker looked over and started to laugh uncontrollably in the meeting. I quickly stood up and said that I 'might' be bleeding and asked where I could find the restroom.

My lip was dripping blood at the time; I entered the bathroom and I tried blotting it with a paper towel.

Made me wonder if I am a hemophiliac. I doubt it, but I also doubt I will need to take blood thinners or aspirin to thin the blood when I'm older.

Maybe I can buy one of those experimental snake venoms that help clot the blood. To put over my lip.

1 comment:

benjy said...

Sounds like your own personal "Fight Club" scene.