Friday, August 8, 2008

Jason from Kentucky

When WMF was in Wilmore, our office was located in a church ministry center that also held other Christian non-profits and residents. At one time, it may have been a retirement center.

When WMF first moved in, we had a neighbor named Jason. I developed a friendship with him, probably because we were so different. Jason was a red-bearded home-town guy. He had held one or two jobs in his life but didn't like working for other people.

He was a trapper. He asked farmers nearby if he could trap on their farms and then would collect the animals, get their skin and meat, and hold the meat in his deep freezer. He used it as a bed; his mattress was located on top of the deep freezer.

He used to brew some sweet tea and we'd drink and play chess out on the porch after I'd finished a day of work with WMF.

He'd yell at me, in a good natured way: "Get a job, Brent". And he also didn't understand much about computers because, when I introduced him to Command and Conquer, he broke my mouse by slamming it again and again against the desk because his computer army wasn't doing what he wanted.

He talked about being in high school and his dad would call in to school, saying that Jason had a fever and needed to be excused. Jason said his dad just left off the part that he had DEER fever, and was going out hunting that day.


Joel said...

i seriously think i know that guy. did he have a brother named Tom?

Brent Anderson said...

I'm sure you probably knew him, being in Wilmore. He was our age. I think Jason had a brother, but I don't remember his name.

Any funny stories from your interaction with him or his brother?