Sunday, April 26, 2009

Being Tall

There are many virtues of being tall....people can find me in crowds and I can find them, tall women are happy to date someone taller, and a history professor told me: ´all our great Presidents were tall´.

There are a few drawbacks (small inconveniences)...about which I´m not complaining, but instead thought I might document (possibly in a series of photo essays).

1) Travel
Overseas buses, poda podas, cars, planes, and airport lounges primarily.
2) Mirrors
The height of mirrors in homes.
3) Kitchens
Mostly chopping blocks, islands, etc. for preparing meals.
4) Shelving
The bottom shelf in supermarkets or kitchens.
5) Blackboards and markerboards
I seem to only be able to write comfortably in the top 1/3 of these boards.
6) Beds
I don´t mind my feet hanging off the end at all. It is only when a short bed has both a headrest and a footrest that I am in trouble...having to sleep in the fetal position.
7) Clothes Shopping
Most of the time I need to order long pants from catalog.

One of the problems with most mirrors is that they are hung low for tall people. Therefore, the angle at which we see ourselves does not allow us to see our faces but a bit farther down.

Mirrors: For me, a lot of the time, I see my stomach.

Travel: At an airport ´lounge´ in Delhi...trying to sleep in chairs that had armrests between the chairs.


JaraBeara said...

BAAHAHAHA. so funny!

ButterPeanut said...


You know, in the Netherlands, where lots of people are ridiculously tall, you might actually not have a lot of these problems. Like British friend has complained that her feet dangle when she sits on the toilet.

Brent Anderson said...

I would love to have the tall toilet....that is a possible future luxury item for me. :-)

also, i'm not freakishly tall. just 2 meters.

brandts brandts everywhere said...

hee!!!!! thank you for helping me understand my husband just a little bit better. :)

Liz said...

that picture of your stomach freaks me out.

Sarah said...

i have not read you blog in a while....this is hilarious! I being a tall girl understand at least some of your pain but probably not all. The short kitchen counters is serious problem for me here in india...i am always stooping.