Saturday, November 15, 2008

Working in the Cafeteria

I loved working in the cafeteria at college and became a student supervisor fairly quickly. I loved opening the dining hall...getting some biscuits and gravy in the morning and smelling the home-made donuts they would be deep frying.

I loved the old ladies each working at their own station....bakery, ovens, stove tops, salad bar, etc.

One of them in particular was always really sweet to me. I think the world of her and would love to visit her again in Kentucky. I'll call her "Rose". Rose loved moonshine (I never saw her drink)....called it 'corn liquor'. She said "you can drink as much as you like and not get drunk as long as you sip it". She also loved the chew. I would have LOVED to see her out on her porch spitting chew.

I saw her get up past her elbows in potato salad tossing and turning the ingredients. All those ladies worked harder than most people I know.

There were so many great stories surrounding that time in the cafeteria: late night studying after locking up, catching amorous students in the throws of love, pleasant smells of diesel from the morning delivery trucks, the storage area in the basement with all sorts of scientific equipment, the tunnels from the basement to other areas of the campus, bringing the outdated vending machine goods back to the dorms to give away, and meeting some really great student workers and the ladies of the cafeteria.

1 comment:

benjy said...

Nothing better than stale "Suzy-Q's" my man!

But I never liked how they would keep the chili in a 5 gallon bucket all week. Just scoop some out to heat up, put it back later. But no one ever died--at least not so you could have proven it...