Friday, October 17, 2008

Ms. Obstinate

Coming into Kindergarten, I was enthralled by The Letter People....the blow-up character letters that, for me, sat on the long and tall window shelf around the classroom.

Each of these characters had a story that was to help us identify the letter. Miss A'chou, etc.

I was thinking that my teacher always pronounced Miss Obstinate as Mizz Obstinate, as if she was obstinate in being single. It striked me as being sexist...maybe not at the time, but several years later.


Brent Anderson said...

I forgot....what kindergartner knows what obstinate means anyway?

That is why it seemed fishy.

Chris Heuertz said...

Classic! I totally remember learning my letters by watching that same show... now wondering how it may have adversely socialized me....

Joel said...

i think the kindergartner that knows what obstinate means would also be the only one in his class to vote for the third party candidate in 1980. im not pointing any fingers, but. . .


brandts brandts everywhere said...

I am singing the letter people song as I type this. :) classic.