Wednesday, July 27, 2011

East Germany Museum & A Stroll

Living in Berlin, Lisa and I thought we'd be crazy not to view the historical and cultural sights of the city. Since a lot of our home improvement projects are finished, last Saturday Lisa and I explored the DDR museum in Mitte, Berlin. The DDR museum is devoted to East Germany history from 1949 till its reunification with West Germany in 1990.

The DDR museum reports that it is careful not to glamorize the communist past of the DDR. There were exhibits that demonstrated East Germany's deplorable environmental record, Stasi interrogations, and grocery stores being constantly without important food staples. However, there were also a lot of exhibits showing fair wages for workers, inexpensive housing, and universal education.

This shows what a typical East German apartment might look like (from the DDR museum website):

After our time at the DDR museum, we also walked along museum island (I think it's called, because it is between two tributaries). We purchased two museum passes that enable us to get into 8-10 museums in Berlin.

Pictures taken along our walk:

Neues Museum

Statues of Marx & Engels

Photos Of Labor/Labor Unrest Next To Marx/Engels Statues

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