Sunday, August 30, 2009

Memo to Cheney:

You're not Vice-President anymore, so shut the @##$ up!


monica said...

can i sign my name to that memo too?

Brent Anderson said...

To Cheney: Most Presidents and Vice-Presidents ride off into the sunset after their term has ended. But you say you have scores to settle. And you keep defending torture!

I reserve my pseudo-swearing for power brokers like you. Don't you get it?...we lose when we torture, even if we get credible information. Because we change the nature of war. As absurd as protections in war sound, (Geneva Convention, etc.) not obeying them degrades humanity even further. Each side races towards the bottom in terms of ruthlessness and horror.

Being such an avowed proponent of torture as the former No.2 hurts the change that this administration is making.

benjy said...

He may not be VP anymore, but he can still kill you with his thumb, and still make it look like an accident :-)

Brent Anderson said...

HA! That's true. I better be careful.

Liz said...

WHOA! you crack me up so much

monica said...

maybe this is why he wont shut up.

oh please, dont let it be true

ButterPeanut said...

1. It just astounds me how agressively assholey he is even long after his term ended.

2. He should be glad he's not in prison!

3. There was a great piece on This American Life a while back about the whole thing where he shot his friend in the face. Apparently it takes a special blend of evil & ineptitude to pull of something like that at theses "hunting for lazy people" resorts that he apparently goes to.

4. How appropriate his first name is. I had a Dick on my PhD committee too, and no, it never gets old.

...Wow, these angry rants almost write themselves!

Brent Anderson said...

YES! I wonder if Cheney, like Kissinger, won't be able to travel to a number of countries outside the US because of the threat of arrest and prosecution.

It isn't like he didn't get his way when he was VP....where does he feel he wants to take the country now? That would be astounding if he pressed the country further towards executive power, secret prisons, torture, abductions, wiretaps, etc. I don't even feel like I'm in America with him in power.

Joel said...

hey Brent,

Maybe you need to re learn to read scriptures on torture...

I guess the whole 'love your enemy' only applies to friends you don't want to love the hell out of. wow.

Joel said...

I ran across this haunting and timely scripture the other day...

"Remember those who are in prison, as though you were in prison with them; those who are being tortured, as though you yourselves were being tortured." Hebrews 13.3