Monday, March 2, 2009

Things I Do Not Like to See/Hear When On Airplanes

1) After the cabin doors had been closed, the pilot was handed ice through his cockpit window, which he had to pass on to the flight attendants. We have to have ICE!!.. No matter the dripping ice on the controls of the plane.

2) The pilot who went back into the cabin to get magazines to read for the flight.

3) A flight attendant who grimaces and tilts his head when he hears an unfamiliar noise the plane is making.

4) Hearing any pilot say ¨we should be okay¨. Certainty is best in this profession.

5) Liz´s CRAZY story about a drunk flight attendant on one of her last flights.

6) Seeing clouds pour through the plane. It couldn´t have been smoke, no one was screaming (refer to previous post of a flight between Guinea and Sierra Leone).

7) Not having much lift during take off. This one turned out really cool. On the flight from El Alto to Cochabamba, El Alto is already at 13,000 feet or something similar. So we were flying really close to the ground at first, until the valley opened up and we were automatically quite high off the ground then. It made me think of those people that run and parachute off mountains.

1 comment:

ButterPeanut said...

oh my gosh!

my last flight back to NL, a really big piece fell *off the ceiling* as we were taking off. I'll never forget the totally freaked out look on the flight attendant's face as he told us it was "nothing".