Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Weird Day(s).. (Will Come Back to Super Crunchers)

1) Yesterday, my mobile phone went from full-charge to low battery in about 6-8 hours. Without much talking. I even let people go early from conversations because of the beeping (real beeping) phone. I think its going to die at any moment. Which I've heard is good for cell-phones. Drain the battery and then recharge every once in awhile.

Anyway, so its beeping and beeping. I take it with me so as soon as it dies I can recharge it. 29 hours later I give up. I recharge it.

It never died. It pretended at the very end.... It wouldn't call, but it will do everything else. I could play games on it; I could listen to ringtones. And the every 5 minute beep.

2) Every once in awhile you'll see it. A guy who drops his pants to use the urinal. Unnecessary...but it sometimes happens. Thankfully todays' example didn't go barebottom.

Super Crunchers is one of the most thought provoking books I've read in a long time.
If other people won't tire of it, I'll reference some sections that tackle:

-why some airlines, who know that frequent fliers won't change their carrier, will give worse treatment to those frequent fliers, but instead bend over backwards for the fliers that paid the most for their seat(s).
-how minorities and women get worse interest rates and pay higher prices at car dealerships
-how companies know that people purchase more pop-tarts when a hurricane strikes and so ship more pop-tarts to the stores when there is even news of an impending hurricane
-ask the question whether doctors are doing the right tests in annual physicals.
-delve into the "Magic Number" scam in government open bid contracts.
-whether good wine can be predicted with a formula that beats the experts, using just a few variables including average temperature and average rainfall in a particular region.


::athada:: said...

I was just graced with a pants-to-the-ankles experience the other month. Always unforgettable, unfortunately.

I keep thinking that you're referencing "Number Munchers", but quickly realize your topic has nothing to do with 1990's Macintosh computer game that taught me about prime numbers.

testing123 said...

I was actually eating a pop tart while reading.... That's kinda weird.

David B. said...

haaaaa! hilarious! thankfully, i haven't experienced a drop the pants'er at the urinal since elementary school. must be an omaha thing? :)

Brent Anderson said...

I don't know if its an Omaha thing. I remember a prof. doing it in college in Kentucky....only he was a barebottom.

benjy said...

When you see a bare-bottomed, pants-around-the-ankles urinal-using government contractor eating Pop Tarts while talking on a malfunctioning cell phone to the combination car dealership/winery, it's time to get an appointment for that annual physical and consider booking a flight OUT of Omaha;-)