Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Reflections From Morocco Trip

-On the flight into Madrid, a guy behind me SHOUTED: "Of all the things to do today, don't fly!" but no one paid much attention.
-A couple rows behind me, there was another guy that snored like he was sipping cola out of a straw. I could almost hear the drool being sucked back into his mouth.
-I sat next to a heavy-set woman visiting her family in Greece (she's probably 50) and our elbows 'spooned' on the armrest. She had fabric on but it felt just like her elbow was nestled into my elbow resting there. You know that feeling of the mix of skin and hair. That felt weird.
-A woman pauses in mid-conversation with another woman, and kicks her legs up with her 2 inch heels and pantsuit pants up the wall ramp and holds it there for a second to stretch. Then she repeats with the other leg. Her legs were almost above her head. She did this right after we turned the corner because right before there were 12 customs agents/police officers on the ramp.

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