Tuesday, November 13, 2007

New Books Read

Things We Couldn't Say, Confessions of An Economic Hit Man.

Things We Couldn't Say was written by a Dutch woman who helped in the Dutch Resistance by providing ration cards and fake IDS for Jewish people in hiding during WWII. Good read. Had the blessing of hearing the author at Michael and Laura Alley's a couple of years ago.

Confessions of An Economic Hit Man is an important read. Incredibly depressing. The destruction caused by the marriage of US industry, government, and our military has overthrown leaders of governments, murdered and tortured, and enslaved populations with crippling debt. Run through the list of leaders/countries affected in the last 60 years: Iran (Mossadegh overthrown; committed to house arrest), Chile (Allende killed in coup and dictator Pinochet installed), Panama (assassinated Torrijos and installed military dictator Noriega who fell out of favor and was later arrested and put on trial in US in gross violation of international law), Guatemala (coup against Jacobo Arbenz Guzmán; he was exiled), Iraq (Hussein tried in kangaroo court and executed), Ecuador (Jaime Roldas; assassinated), Indonesia (Sukarno forced under house arrest after successful coup), attempted in Venezuela (Chavez; acknowledged by US State Department in coup attempt), attempted in Cuba (most well-known because of its failure against Castro), and these incidents don't cover anything the US attempted outside of the work-related or regional knowledge of the author.


benjy said...

Now you're speaking my language...try None Dare Call it Conspiracy by Gary Allen, or En Route to Global Occupation by Gary Kah. It's bigger than just the U.S., mon frere:)

April said...

i read Things We Couldn't Say a few years back...my grandma gave it to me to read. i enjoyed it, although it was also hard to read. how incredible to have met the author!